One of our favorite types of racing is of course “Fastest Street car” racing. The shows are incredible and although we’ve been doing a lot of NHRA pro-stock, Trans-Am and Off shore boat racers this year we really love our fastest street car racers.

Anyway, we’ve done a lot of race winning in the past few months and hats off to you guys. But lets make this month a picture essay instead. Stats are cool, but man you gotta love these photos.


Fresh off his back to back win at the World Ford challenge Billy Glidden is still running strong in his Glidden powered “Skinny Kid” built racecar (Skinny that name really fits this guy…eat something will ya’).


Don Edmonds sent us a shot of his Huuuuge quick 32 car. Two tons of car and a whole lot of smoke in that photo. It takes a wide angle lens to catch all of this beast. Wow Don, that car is nice!


Jarrod Warner is still wringing out his new car. Sporting Steve Morris power and recording early shut off passes in the 7 second range the car should be in the sixes soon.


Ryan Hoskins is a real Canadian street racer, Eh! Hoping to get his ’66 Chevelle into the nines on “real” street tires, Ryan has his hands full.


Pro-Systems recently purchased a street tire car for R and D purposes only (wink). If we can keep company president Patrick James from taking it to lunch everyday we can start using it for testing like we planned. The car sports dual on board Lambda systems and acceleration data acquisition for really tuning in our designs.


Kerry Sigety sent us a photo of his car…we’re not supposed to let the cat out of the bag on this project but he said it was O.K. to show you his ride…we love it.

John Baio is still tearing up the track with his Midwest Engine tech powered Camaro. Check out this very sweet ride at a race near you.

Well we have to get back at it and hide the keys to the Trans Am before lunch.

Photo credits: Michael Ray of – the ultimate source for street car info on the net!

Don’t forget we get over 10,000 visitors per month so if you have any sponsors mention them in your email.

Great job to all. We’re still waiting for information from all of you racers out there that keep promising clear jpegs and brief paragraphs. Get them to us and we will get them in the next installment.

Thanks for the photos and updates.

Send your email and pictures to [email protected] . We’d love to hear from you.

Thanks for stopping in and thanks for the making us your builder.