Corn is gold to some farmers…its also makes gold for some racers. President of the PRO E85 organization Duane Waldrop had a E85 carburetor shootout. Its was quite a publicized deal amongst the “E85/Corn racers”. The multi day dyno session culminated with the Pro Systems E85 carburetor as the biggest power producer of all comers. Duane then took to the track to show its on track prowess as he recently won their US-41 event. But lo and behold Jason Carr (long time Pro Systems carburetor user) was already on board and is setting on top in Points with his Pro Systems E85 carbureted entry. Some great competition in this class for sure. Visit them at Great folks for sure.

On to another gold colored product: “There’s Gold in them there hills!” Well kind of…as Randy Johnson recently sent us this shot of all the Wallys he has captured in Top Sportsman racing since switching to Pro Systems carburetion. Thats a great picture for sure.
A big congratulations to Christopher Carrico (June 2009 showcase entry) who is also on his way to gold. Christopher is now the Points leader in the 2009 Jegs Super Quick series. This is a highly competitive series that includes some of the best bracket racers in the country. So you gotta be good to beat those guys. Go Chris Go!!
OK…back to work. Thanks for reading,